What is the best place for my ac unit?
Aesthetics, and noise level are not normally considered when a new air conditioning unit is purchased. Most people are in laying in a pool of sweat willing to do anything just to get some cold air but lets take a breather and consider some of those unspoken concerns you may have.
What is the ideal Location for my air conditioner?
Many condensers (that ac box in the yard) are placed in areas of low convenience. It’s not hard to imagine that most home builders place these units to save as much cost as possible in copper and other essentials and therefore may not have focused on the optimal place for you the home owner.
You don’t have to accept the status quo… Consider these attributes in more detail.
- Visibility – How often do I intend to entertain guests and use the backyard? Will they see it? Is it an eye sore? Is there a way I can block or hide the unit in some way? Fences, or bushes do well hiding these units. Fences are more ideal for unit performance and protection than foliage. (see our previous post of an example of a new fence install)
- Noise Volume – What is the closest room? A bedroom? Have you or anyone in your family been bothered by the sound of the unit kicking on and off at night? Do I like seeing the unit from indoor windows?
City code, and optimal performance must be considered any time you move and air conditioning unit.
A professional HVAC Contractor in your area deals with these concerns and more on a regular basis and should be consulted before any final decisions are made. Contact New Berlin Heating & Air Conditioning for more information! You can call us at 262-784-8889 or visit our website!