All flood-damaged heating and cooling equipment and systems should be checked by a licensed heating and cooling contractor, and homeowners should consider replacement, according to the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), the trade association representing manufacturers of HVAC and water heating equipment. Even though the damage might not be immediately visible, there are safety hazards involved with flood-damaged HVAC equipment. Additionally, the systems can become contaminated with bacteria and fungi. Don’t put your family at risk—take the precaution of calling professionals like New Berlin Heating & Cooling who will make sure your HVAC systems are replaced or restored to safe, reliable system operation.

Flood-damaged appliances that should be inspected include water heaters, air conditioners, heat pumps, room heaters, damaged venting systems, electrical systems, clothes dryers and washers, furnaces and boilers, and all other gas, oil, or electric appliances. Rely on your heating and cooling technician to advise whether the equipment can be salvaged. They have extensive instructions and checklists for appliance repair and can make repair versus replacement cost comparisons. After repair and cleaning, they will thoroughly evaluate system performance to make sure all equipment is operating properly. It’s not enough to let your equipment dry out and then use it. Over time, water damage may reduce system efficiency, safety, and reliability. Play it safe. Replace the appliance if there is any questions.

More information on HVACR replacement.